
Our Team

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Ariyel Maresky
Broker/Owner at RE/MAX Vision

I finally joined RE/MAX Vision in 2017 and bought the business in 2019

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Alyssa Friedland
Alyssa Friedland
Agent, RE/MAX Vision

Alyssa Friedland came to RE/MAX after several years as the top agent

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Rachel Gluck
Agent at RE\MAX Vision

Rachel Gluck specializes in Armon Hanatziv

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Orna Even Parker
RE/MAX Vision

Orna specializes in the City Center & adjacent neighborhoods

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Binyamin Zerbib
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

Binyamin lives and specializes in Gilo neighborhood.

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Israela Cohen Krakauer
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

Israela specializes in Ramot

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Emuna Dadon
Agent At RE/MAX Vision

Emuna specializes in Givat Mordechai

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Shira Shani
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

Shira specializes in Katmon, Katamonim and the area

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Ezra Levy
Agent at Re/Max Vision

Ezra specializes in Bayit Vegan and Ramat Sharet

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Amir Shemesh
Project Manager at RE/MAX Vision

Amir Shemesh specializes in new apartments and new projects.

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Refael Adar
Agent at REMAX Vision

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Nili Bergman
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

Nili specializes in Beit Hakerem and Ramat Sharet

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Micha Paul
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

Micha Paul specializes in Armon Hanaztiv and Arnona

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Sawsan Moubarak
Agent at RE\MAX Vision

Sawsan specializes with new development in Dubai

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Meir Marglit
Agent at RE\MAX Vision

Meir specializes in Armon Hanaztiv and Arnona

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David Weiser
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

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Moshe Sher
agent at RE/MAX Vision

Moshe specializes in Givat Ze'ev and Kiryat Moshe

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Yossef Benitah
Agent at REMAX Vision

real estate agent at REMAX Vision Jerusalem. I will be happy to provide you with the best service.

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Sharon Sasson
agent at RE/MAX Vision

Sharon specializes in Katamon- Katmonim area and will be happy to help you buy/ sell/ rent your home

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Nathan Dryfus
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

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Benjy Danan
Sales Assistant at RE/MAX Vision

Benjy Danan specializes in Ramat Eshkol

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Alon Ben-David
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

Specializes in Talbiya and Rechavia

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Judy Blumenfrucht
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

Judit specializes in the German Colony, Baka, Old Katamon and Emek Refaim

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Shira Harazy
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

Shira specializes in Har Homa

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Shlomo Benzaquen
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

Shlomo specializes in Givat Ze'ev, Ramot, and Ramot Eshkol and the adjacent neighbourhoods

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Liorah Amar
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

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Hadas Weinberger
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

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Chedva Elisha
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

Chedva specializes in Givat Shaul and Har Nof

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Michael Brand
Broker/owner of RE/MAX Atid, Maale Adumim

Michael specializes in Maale Adumim

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David Touito
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

David specializes in Har Homa

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Orly Dayan
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

Orly specializes in Maale Adumim

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Eran Hausfater
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

Eran specializes in Baka, German Colony, Talbieh

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Amir Hai
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

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Shira Schertzman
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

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Tamar Bernstein
Agent at RE/MAX Vision

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Shira Ohayon

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